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Work Practices

  • Only bring the labor necessary to keep your project on-time and in budget
  • Hard working, I will do whatever it takes to get a job done right and to your satisfaction.
  • Dependable, If I make a bid and you hire me I will show up everyday until the job is done.
  • Rise to the occasion, no job is too big or too small
  • Flexible and willing to work with the customer to make sure they get what they need and want

Job Types

  • Decks and Fences
  • Repairs and Remodel
  • Masonry/Stonework
  • Drainage and Flood jobs
  • New Construction
  • Add-ons/Additions

Bid Structure

Distance/Location Bid Cost $
Oakridge/Westfir $0
Eugene/Springfield (Less than 80 Miles) $25
Greater than 80 miles $55